Captain Jack Sparrow is reunited with the Black Pearl and it feels so good in this episode of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute. Join us for minute 133 of The Curse of the Black Pearl as we discuss the theme park ride bride auction controversy, Jack getting the metaphorical girl (Black Pearl) and giving the […]
Using the international greeting, “Welcome aboard the Black Pearl,” Pirates of the Caribbean brings the world together in a show of solidarity for the world premiere of Dead Men Tell No Tales in Shanghai. After delivering world peace, episode 87 of The Curse of the Black Pearl takes off with the Pirate Word of the […]
Hey scallywags, it’s time for Pirates of the Caribbean Minute. Join us for episode 85 of The Curse of the Black Pearl for a daft like Jack discussion scrutinizing Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner’s apparent nautical strategy expertise, Joshamee Gibbs and Anamaria’s lack of leadership on the HMS Interceptor, historical tidbits for ubiquitous nautical terms […]
It’s another heated debate episode as Scott and Heather can’t seem to agree on why the Gibbs, Anamaria and the rest of the motley crew are already giving up on their plan to sail to the shoals in an attempt to lose the Black pearl, and which direction the flags should be flying in the […]
It’s a rare highbrow episode as we make a brief Shakespearean reference but quickly create an accord to adhere to the pirate code of euphemisms for future shows. Join us for minute 82 of The Curse of the Black Pearl to hear Heather disparage Scott with the Pirate Word of the Week, and listen to […]
All Hell breaks loose as we ride a shield down the treasure mound in an effort to escape the chaos on this episode of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute. Join us for minute 77 of The Curse of the Black Pearl where we witness Heather pass out from too much rum, present our pirate word […]
It’s a scandalous Pirates of the Caribbean Minute as we analyze and scrutinize minute 63 of The Curse of the Black Pearl. In this episode we meet female pirate Anamaria and former owner of the Jolly Mon, discuss if she is briefly disguising herself as a man, wallow in Joshamee Gibbs’ superstitions, delight in Will […]