It’s another hot, hot, hot episode as we kick things off with a little blow the man down and listener comments in this episode covering minutes 102 and 103 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Join us as we continue the discussion, euphemisms and metaphors of Elizabeth Swann working hard to seduce Captain […]

Let’s all go to the brothel and get ourselves a new Pirates of the Caribbean film! Join us for this episode as we ditch the usual format and dive into the breaking scallywag news and discuss rumors about Pirates of the Caribbean 6, the first film in the franchise to potentially not include Johnny Depp’s […]

Never ask a man why his compass doesn’t work! But obviously Elizabeth Swann has her priorities in order when it comes to pirate matrimony. Join us for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss minutes 100-101. In this episode we announce the 2nd Annual Listeners’ Appreciation Contest, discuss the tour of the […]

Pirate Booty Call (Episode 96)
At World's End Bonus Shows Curse of the Black Pearl Dead Man's Chest Dead Men Tell No Tales Episodes On Stranger Tides Season 2
Join us for an episode of love, fish love, tragic love, sad love and a once a decade booty call as we take a break from our usual format to discuss the possibility that the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise is the greatest love story of the 21st century. In this episode we examine […]

It’s time to release the Kraken and play with an organ as we send the Edinburgh Trader and crew to Davy Jones’ Locker. Join us for minutes 95-99 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we make a couple of announcements regarding the evolution of The Black Pearl Show’s move to a longer, […]

From decade old memes to the Beach Boys, we pull out all the decanter stoppers as we finally get our act together and return to normal. Join us for minute 95 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss Captain Bellamy of the Edinburgh Trader throwing his crew under the ghostly bus, […]

It’s all about the past, present, future and glory days in the latest episode as we reflect on Elizabeth Swann…the hussy? Join us as we discuss minute 93 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest by tackling a wee bit of audio issues, give a listener shout out, bask in Keira Knightley’s acting prowess, […]

We celebrate 4th of July in all its independence glory as we let loose the euphemisms and attempt to cut through the sexual tension with a…cutlass. Join us as we breakdown minute 92 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest by discussing Disney’s ability to craft dialog that flies over the kids’ heads while […]

There’s never a good time to be a third wheel, unless you like it rough and stinky or your name is Elizabeth Swann. Join us for minute 91 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss our pirate listeners and members of our Cursed Listeners’ Crew Facebook Group, Will Turner using an […]

Today we go to The Good Place and discover the supposed origins of Pirates of the Caribbean in The Bad Place while getting a peak into the future of Pirates of the Caribbean 31. Join us for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss minute 90 – kicking off the show with […]

We discover pirate’s Groundhog’s Day with tragic love, a handful of tentacles and a musical snuff box that includes some Spaghetti Western inspiration in this episode. Join us as we tackle minute 89 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and discuss some NorCal Pirate Festival missed connections, deep dive into Davy Jones’ tragic […]

It’s a robust episode as we take to the high seas, meet famous and infamous pirates, discuss glowing secretions, and overlook Captain Jack Sparrow’s bedwetting problem. Join us for minute 88 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss our Northern California Pirate Festival 2018 adventure, share interviews with famed pirates Captain […]

The desperation on the Flying Dutchman is so thick you could cut it with a sharp tongue. So join us for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we sit back and watch Will Turner and Davy Jones cut each other down with the help of the script, Davy Jones as a sore loser […]

Just in time for the new unveiling of Redd, Disneyland’s first female pirate on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, we throw down a little knucklebone action and declare that little girls can also grow up to be…pirates. Join us for minute 86 of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss the […]

The plague of the sea sets a new bar and unleashes a technological leap forward for CG moviemaking effects. Join is for minute 85 of Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest as we discuss Will Turner’s bravado and calling Davy Jones yellow, Bootstrap Bill Turner spontaneously jumps into the Liar’s Dice game, Pirate Word […]