United by special effects, Orlando Bloom and rage, Cassandra and Norman from Lord of the Rings Minute end their three-episode run by discussing the most iconic scene in The Curse of the Black Pearl. Join us for minute 109 of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute as we talk Captain Barbossa dealing a blow to Captain […]

We are once again joined by special guests Cassandra and Norman from Dueling Genre’s Lord of the Rings Minute as together we stroll down the streets of Port Royal window shopping for that perfectly large and oh so grandiose hat. On this episode of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute, we breakdown minute 108 of The […]

Making a special appearance all the way from Mount Doom are Cassandra and Norman from Lord of the Rings Minute. In this episode of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute, we take a stab at minute 107 of The Curse of the Black Pearl. Join us as we manage to bring together pirates, hobbits and Godzilla […]

Guests Carson and Andrew (carsonandandrew.com) from the crazy fun Slapdash Scripts podcast almost succeed in keeping us on our best behavior as they join us to breakdown minute 95 of The Curse of the Black Pearl. In this episode of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute we gear up for Dead Men Tell No Tales with […]

We are joined by Adam Liebreich-Johnsen of the world famous Poxy Boggards to discuss minute 67 of The Curse of the Black Pearl. If you remember from the previous episode, Adam is also a member of the Royal French Privateers of Clan Darksail. It’s another robust episode where we explore the pros and cons of […]

It’s a special episode of Pirates of the Caribbean Minute as we are joined by Adam Liebreich-Johnsen of the Royal French Privateers of Clan Darksail to discuss minute 66 of The Curse of the Black Pearl. It’s a robust episode as we talk Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, the Disneyland attraction, Gibbs’ telling Will […]