Pirate staircase stunts, a looting pirate gets the ultimate cannonball sucker punch, Elizabeth plays hide and seek, a smidge of cannon history that leads us to believe there might just be some physics-defying movie magic taking place, and Gore Verbinski gets a board to the head in this episode of The Curse of the Black […]

In minute 33 of The Curse of the Black Pearl, we drop a few too many movie references, theorize that the Swann’s butler is a relative of James Norrington, play a deadly game of knock, knock, who’s there, explore the backstory of Pintel and Ragetti, see Elizabeth as a woman of the people, and patronize […]

Join us for minute 31 of The Curse of the Black Pearl! Captain Jack Sparrow challenges the Black Pearl legend that it leaves no survivors as the ship sends a barrage of cannonballs to port Royal and Fort Charles. The attacking pirate crew come ashore in all their creepy glory and we are officially introduced […]